Thursday, December 10, 2009

Something has been planted

It’s true; something inside me has been planted. Or perhaps something that had begun to die has been nurtured and is on track to make a full recovery.

For the first time, I am sad that this class has come to an end. Honestly, I’m not sure if it’s the literature, Dr. Sexson, or my classmates. I feel privileged to have studied with such intelligent minds, beautiful minds, and emotional minds. It has been a pleasure to become enlightened to the perceptions of my classmates…the film students, the strictly Lit majors, the future teachers, and the students who took this class simply for the knowledge and enjoyment. As I have said before, literature is powerful. Literature is emotional. I believe that literature explains what science cannot begin to hypothesize. Today’s class ended unlike any class I have ever attended. It was sad. It was inspiring. I left feeling full and empty all at once.

I don’t know what to say about The Bible that hasn’t already been said. I wonder if it had a soundtrack, what songs would be played?

Songs of Bach that I enjoy: Sleepers Wake, Cello Suite No. 3

I feel like there is so much to say, but no words come to my mind. I don’t know how to describe the feeling in my gut that pokes at my heart…that spills tears from my eyes and numbs my brain. I can imagine that someone out there understands. Perfection really is everywhere; even in the cold shack I call my home, for I live on the sacred mountain.

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